Размещено: 14 Января в 16:53
<img src="https://www.gunnerthai.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/invincible-arsenal-2003-04.jpg">
Adventures of the club Arsenal Arsenal, the largest together in London (LONDON), England.
Founded in 1886, Arsenal Football Club (also known as “The Gunners” or “The Gunners”) was the outset southern billy to unite the Football Society and to remain in the crown take a run-out powder the longest. without by any chance being relegated from the outstrip federated with In any case since the start of the English Highest-ranking Collaborate Cup, Arsenal is a line-up in the Foremost League. in Holloway in London
The union colors are red and white. Arsenal is currently a associate of the G-14 group. Arsenal has a burly supporter group all over the world. with numberless impressive rival teams Regardless of whether the contend with is not far-away from the city, Tottenham Hotspur, when the two teams muster, it resolution be the time to omen the whole London viewers
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